11:09 AM
Posted by
Morans With Signs
The expression on his face says at least as much as his sign.
1:41 PM
Posted by
Morans With Signs
Spelling your own name shouldn't be that hard after kindergarten. Plus, there's always spellcheck.
8:13 AM
Posted by
Morans With Signs
I feel that this is actually two separate questions with some missing punctuation.
8:34 AM
Posted by
Morans With Signs
Just because renowned english speaker Sarah Palin decided a real word wasn't good enough doesn't make refudiate a real word.
8:28 AM
Posted by
Morans With Signs
Give her liberty or debt, already. She's fine with either one.
8:32 AM
Posted by
Morans With Signs
I honestly have no idea what he is trying to suggest by combining these two random facts. It sounds nefarious though when a homeless-looking guy presents it.