Tuesday, September 7, 2010
8:32 AM
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Morans With Signs
I honestly have no idea what he is trying to suggest by combining these two random facts. It sounds nefarious though when a homeless-looking guy presents it.
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Unnecessary Quotation Marks
You just have to understand logical consequence here. As explained by Wikipedia, "Logical consequence is a fundamental concept in logic. It is the relation that holds between a set of sentences (or propositions) and a sentence (proposition) when the former "entails" the latter. For example, 'Kermit is green' is said to be a logical consequence of 'All frogs are green' and 'Kermit is a frog', because it would be "self-contradictory" to affirm the latter and deny the former.
In other words, this moron is a frog, or Frenchman, who hates the British. You have to give him some credit, though, for getting those two little tiny guys to dance on his fingertips.
whoa. those two guys are dancing on his fingertips! nice trick.
Yeah, and that takes dedication. I mean, do you realize how many cheeseburgers this guy had to eat before he was fat enough that people could dance on his fingers? A lot, that's how many.
Yeah, and he had to drink a lot of beer to wash down all those cheeseburgers, which would account for the blank stare and the fact that he's carrying around a sign that makes absolutely no sense whatever.
You never know, though. When this guy sobers up he might even be in favor of taxing billionaires.
I'd like to know what he means by putting Obama in quotation marks ...
Kenya was not a colony when Obama was born. Just FYI for the guy with the sign...
This guy has a hat. Hats are made in China. OMG THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT IS CHINESE IN ORIGIN.
I wonder who he really means when he says ' "Obama" '
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