Oh god. Simple misspellings are not enough for this mavericky maverick. Only a person who writes their "N"s backwards would really want Sarah Palin to come back. Ever.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. I believe in this whole-heartedly.
And I appreciate anyone who has the gumption to protest despite their handicapped abilities to articulate what they oppose. Their right, and ours, to a freedom of speech is something few in this world can savor. Another right we should not forget to savor, though, is the right to mock them.
Some of these signs have been floating around the internet for a while and could be called classics, others are new. They just needed to be collected in one place. Please enjoy, and share it with your friends.
Doesn't the fact that the person writes an 'N' backwards mean that they must secretly be a communist, or something? Or is that some other letter?
In Russian that's an "ee".
She is using cyrillic characters, which means she probably could see Russia from her house, too!
Hey, Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air! She's a principled, coherent women who, who. . .
I'm sorry. I couldn't do that with a straight face.
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